Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well,  now working at a pub, and I would say that I'd rather smash metal than have old posh English people get angry at me about a glass of free water or cordial that cost 25p. 
I am working at a pub called The Rocket and we are going to have a busy weekend as the famous boat race is on. Oxford and Cambridge University battle it out by rowing across a part of the Thames river.
I have now met my first 'posh' person, their parents have dined with the Queen, but it is also the first time I have met someone that has a judgmental outlook on life. I remember going to highschool with two wealthy Italian's, their parents owned Mansions and Ferrari's but they didn't flaunt it!
Also, I have noticed everyone here is judged by their accent, whether they are posh, from Liverpool, Essex or if they are a Pikey. It doesn't matter if you dress smart or are a friendly person, you have been judged. I can see now why Australia is called the lucky country, we don't know how good we have it. 
On a better note, I have met Ross through work, a 25 year old Scotsman who enjoys a beer or 20 after work.

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